Fußballstipendium USA ProSoc

Franziska Theus

“I’m doing really well at the moment! The first few months here were very exciting, but also quite limited, due to Corona… Now in my 2nd semester here it is still limited by Corona, but at least we can play the season and especially footballing I could take a lot out of this semester! I felt very comfortable in my new team right from the start and I get along very well with both my teammates and coaches, and it is great how much I have been supported by them. In my studies, I have also been doing well so far. Of course, at the beginning it was an adjustment to study in English at first, but I got used to it quite quickly and if you ever need help, there are academic resources if you need them.
In any case, I am already very much looking forward to next semester, where we will hopefully have a normal pre-season again and hopefully some restrictions will be removed :)”

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